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UKTIN Innovation Workout 

Delivered by SETsquared

Day 1 

Session 01 – Welcome


  • An introduction to your programme facilitators
  • What is SETsquared and what is its impact on the UK?
  • Who are you and what is your value proposition?
  • Agenda, aims and objectives of the programme

Session 02 – Collaborate


  • Introduction to the opportunity for SMEs in the UK telecoms sector
  • Understanding innovative telecoms value propositions of active SMEs
  • What is your experience and perspective of the telecoms market?

Session 03 – Business Model Canvas Review


  • The value of using the Business Model Canvas
  • Essentials of the Business Model Canvas – a
  • Business Model Canvas best practices

Coffee break 

10.40 (10 mins)


Session 04 – Business Model Patterns: Frontstage 


  • Understanding the value of Business Model Patterns – Frontstage
  • Exploring Market Explorer and Gravity Creator patterns
  • Key questions to consider

Session 05 – Business Model Patterns: Backstage 


  • Understanding the value of Business Model Patterns – Backstage
  • Exploring Resource Castle and Scaler patterns
  • Key questions to consider

Coffee break 

12.20 (10 mins)


Session 06 – Business Model Patterns: Profit Formula


  • Understanding the value of Business Model Patterns – Profit Formula
  • Exploring Revenue Differentiator and Cost Differentiator Patterns
  • Key questions to consider

Wrap-up Day 1, Q&A, finish



Day 2 

Session 07 – Welcome and Recap 


  • Recap of key takeaways from Day 1
  • Outline agenda and objectives for Day 2

Session 08 – Opportunity assessment


  • Review and score the key assessment questions raised in the Business Model Pattern sessions
  • Select focus areas for business model innovation

Session 09 – Hypothesis 


  • Identifying different types of hypotheses and where to find them
  • Understanding the risks posed by assumptions in new business models
  • Understanding the term ‘assumption mapping’

Coffee break 

10.45 (10 mins)


Session 10 – Testing


  • Understanding how to test assumptions to validate business models
  • Exploring strategies, methodology, and types of testing
  • Introducing the 15 different types of discovery-stage tests

Session 11 – Signposting to UKTIN support options


  • Support opportunities available to SMEs
  • Discuss next steps and select further engagement options

Coffee break

12.25 (10 mins)


Session 12: Positioning strategy for SMEs within telecoms and broader connectivity markets


  • Review innovation hotspots in the UK connectivity market
  • Understand how large telcos and equipment suppliers need to innovate together with high-tech, high-growth SMEs
  • Explore the international context for telecoms and connectivity innovation: adjacent sectors, territories, and markets

Wrap up, Q&A and finish


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