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Bristol’s Engine Shed and SETsquared incubator are walking the talk – and scaling up!

Following the publication of the review of its first three years, and the submission of the planning application for Engine Shed 2, the Engine Shed team are recruiting to scale up its own activities.

Engine Shed, the collaboration between Bristol City Council and the University of Bristol hosts, among other things, the global no. 1 business incubator, SETsquared.

It also now qualifies, according to the definition used by the UK’s Scale Up Institute, as a “Scale Up Company”, having more than 10 employees and growing by at least 20% per year, for three years or more.

In December, the SETsquared incubator for high-tech, high-growth businesses, announced its partnership with UnitDX, the science incubator and the IoTUK Boost Program and in January, its partnership with the Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator. This opens up two new roles: a third Entrepreneur-in-Residence – 1 day per week – and a full-time SETsquared Community Manager.

Monika Radclyffe, SETsquared Centre Director, commented “We are thrilled to be working with UnitDX, Oracle and IoTUK on these new accelerator programs. It is really good to have the ability to support a more diverse set of companies than we could before. This also gives us the opportunity to bring in new and broader expertise to our EiR team”

Engine Shed itself is busier than ever before, with it’s new revamped and expanded Junction seminar space, and so a new member of the front-of house team is required.

Engine Shed has an important role to play in developing the Bristol & Bath ecosystem to better support businesses that want to scale up, and so, in partnership with the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership, Business West and the University of Bristol, Engine Shed is now recruiting a “Scale-up Enabler”

To ensure that the economic growth that this new role stimulates, is inclusive for the long-term, Engine Shed is also looking for a part-time Project Worker to co-ordinate activities within our Diverse Workforce for the Future and Innovation strands.

Nick Sturge, Director of Engine Shed, added “This represents a near 50% increase in headcount in the team, which is exciting, especially as it’s driven by partnership with other organisations in the Bristol & Bath ecosystem. All I am hearing from our peers, locally, is growth, growth, growth. We have a role to play in helping join that up and do what we can to ensure that the growth works for everyone in the city-region.”

Engine Shed is particularly keen to hear from applicants in communities of Bristol & Bath not currently well represented in our team or our activities.

All the following roles can be found on the Engine Shed vacancies page:

  • Receptionist – half-time, permanent  – apply online before 27 February 2017
  • Marketing Support – Proposals sought to provide marketing support for both Engine Shed and SETsquared (Bristol) between April 2017 and January 2018 – further details and application process online. Deadline: 28 February 2017
  • Entrepreneur-in-Residence – 1 day per week, 1 year contract – contact [email protected] for further info, before 3 March 2017
  • SETsquared Community Manager – full-time, permanent – apply online before 17 March 2017
  • Project Worker – approximately 1 day per week, flexible, 10 month maternity cover – further details and application process online by 17 March 2017
  • Scale-up Enabler (Development Officer) – Full-time, 1 year contract – apply online before 23 March 2017

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