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SETsquared Southampton members, PrimerDesign, have been at the centre of lifting the lid on the horsemeat scandal, which has dominated...
The University of Bristol has entered into an exclusive licence agreement with Topokine Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing therapies...
University partnership businesses raise £30m of investment in 12 monthsHead says figures prove incubator programmes are helping fuel the UK...
Red7Mobile leads vanguard of SETsquared member companies into Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. Red7Mobile has been welcomed into the prestigious "SETsquared Alumni"...
One of Bristol’s most historic buildings is to be transformed into a business and innovation hub thanks to an agreement...
The Energy Innovation Centre (EIC) has revealed it will be able to help innovators access over £36 million of funding...
STRaND-1, the nanosatellite carrying a smartphone, has been declared operational in orbit by the mission team from the University of...
The first models of the new electronic musical instrument the AlphaSphere 'elite' will be dispatched to locations all across the...