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Five winners to get free SETsquared membershipSETsquared will be supporting the Discovering Start-Ups 2012 Competition, and will be providing free...
The University of Bath is part of a £5 million collaborative project to promote the latest research into harnessing the...
New web-hosting ‘co-operation’ technology makes service failure a thing of the pastAt the annual SETsquared Garden Party and Innovation Showcase in...
Successful market launch for polymer innovatorsSETsquared has announced that Revolymer, a company it supported over several years, has successfully listed...
Student entrepreneurs and start-up businesses will be explaining their new business ventures in five-minute presentations at the University of Surrey...
The Catalyst Centre is a new initiative being developed by Southampton Science Park in association with SETsquared. The aim of...
The Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) announced plans to launch a new National Centre for Universities and Business....
Most profitable team at one-day trading eventSETsquared has announced the winner of its Uni Popshop student entrepreneurship competition. The prize was...