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Forty times stronger than steel and conducting electricity ten times better than silicon, graphene is the wonder material that could...
A new Enterprise Zone in the heart of Bristol will be declared open for business today [Friday, 27 April] by...
The SETsquared's written evidence for the Science and Technology Committee on Bridging the "Valley of Death": improving the commercialisation of research...
Exporting for Growth Prize won by nu desine for revolutionary invention with global potentialnu desine, a SETsquared Bristol member has been named the...
The University of Exeter’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team has successfully competed in the regional competition and been selected...
Universities and Science Minister David Willetts has hailed the new Southampton Martine and Maritime Institute (SMMI) as exemplary of the...
SETsquared companies SEaB Energy Limited and NakedEnergy Ltd were two of the 16 most dynamic, innovative and fastest growing cleantech...
The University of Exeter has been awarded £300,000 to become a centre of excellence for public engagement in research. The...