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Marmot Labs LTD

Exposure therapy is made more accessible by virtual reality. This product is needed now because it addresses the mental health crisis. It offers a safe, sustainable alternative to the long waiting lists patients must wait to receive their treatment.
We provide a range of immersion therapy scenarios. Our software is a dual user system where the patient enters the virtual experience while the therapist monitors the progress via a dashboard.
Using virtual reality we create environments and tasks that trigger fear response. It creates a great sense of presence, the user feels they are part of the experience rather than just observing, so it has a greater and longer lasting impact.
We constantly monitor the experience impact and provide live adjustment of the experience. We aim to find a balance between making a difference and pushing too hard.
As the product matures and we have enough data it will be possible to use this technology without a therapist.
Initially the system is mainly geared toward professional therapists and life coaches who can use it to enhance their offering. They would be offered a high-end experience using latest technology to maximum presence is achieved in each experience.

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