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Trueinvivo Ltd

The company has designed and developed radiation detectors and accompanying detector readers for use in radiotherapy centres worldwide. Advanced radiotherapy uses dozens of micro beams of radiation configured to match the shape of the target tumour. The intention is that the radiation does not damage surrounding tissue or healthy organs. However clinicians cannot see where the radiation actually hits. It is like an archer not seeing where an arrow lands and therefore being unable to correct the next shot. Trueinvivo gives the clinicians that feedback.
Over 7m new patients every year worldwide receive radiotherapy, typically over 20 – 30 separate sessions. Most have minor side effects but some 10% or more can be damaged quite badly and need expensive additional treatment. If each patient was measured just twice during their sessions, adjustments could be made saving that damage and cost. And keeping the patients healthy and productive.
Our business model is to supply a reader to every radiotherapy centre and for them to buy disposable detectors. We are also working on real-time measurements for radiotherapy and detection in other areas like nuclear, blood bank and food irradiation.

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