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Cyber Security teams announced for ICURe programme

Cyber Security teams announced for ICURe programme

One of the cyber security teams at the 3-day bootcamp

SETsquared, in association with the Department for Culture, Media & Sport and Innovate UK, is pleased to announce the 12 teams who have been selected to participate in the Cyber Security ICURe programme

The programme offers support to academics who have commercially-promising ideas, providing an opportunity to test, establish and grow the commercial value of their research.

The scheme is not restricted to SETsquared partner universities and the academic teams selected demonstrate cyber security Innovation from a diverse range of locations throughout the UK.

The selected teams are:

  1. Imperial College – GLFuzz: Securing Graphic Drivers
  2. University of Southampton – Provenance for Digital Fabrication (3D Printing)
  3. University of Cambridge – Pico Authentication Ltd
  4. Liverpool John Moores – InteraCtive CrYPtograpHic Protocol TEaching and LeaRning
  5. Queen’s University Belfast – IoT Security – central and distributed protection
  6. University of Surrey – Password+
  7. University of South Wales  – Talbot – A SCADA/ICS Forensics Toolkit
  8. Liverpool Hope University – Secret Sharing for Cloud and the Internet-of-things
  9. Anglia Ruskin – Botprobe
  10. Bournemouth University – Commercialisation of CAIRIS (Computer Aided Integration of Requirements and Information Security)
  11. University of Northampton – Commercialising the concept of a Corporate Cyber-Immune System
  12. Liverpool John Moores University – Modelling Security Requirements for Businesses in 3D

The programme will provide business training and team support, engagement with prospective customers, partners and competitors and validation of commercial potential, over an intensive three-month period.

It’s broken down in the following stages:

  • An intensive 3 day training bootcamp that which took place in Bristol from 16 to 18 January.
  • Product Market Fit events with industry.
  • Presentation of market validation findings to a panel of experts.

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