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NetZero roundtable discussion event

NetZero roundtable discussion event

Addressing the NetZero Challenge requires urgent action from business and Government leaders alike in order to limit global warming.

New sustainable and circular technologies which will be the drivers of clean growth are growing in influence; with national governments, multinational companies, the EU, the UN and the WEF embracing circular economic principles to help realise local, national and global sustainable development goals.

This roundtable discussion will bring together a select group of start-up founders, scale-up business leaders and academic experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges that NetZero presents. We invite applications from businesses and researchers developing solutions in this area to observe the debate.

This event will be MC’d by Lucy Siegle (see below) – a journalist and writer on environmental issues.


Professor Matthew Davidson, Director of the Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies, University of Bath
Professor Charlotte Williams, Fellow and Tutor in Chemistry, University of Oxford
Phillippa Roberts, Co-Founder & CEO, Binit 
Sandra Sassow, CEO, SEAB Energy
Jim Cook, CEO, Isometrica
Marcel Fowler, CEO, New Motion Labs
David Calder, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Knowledge Transfer Network
Ian Ellerington, Head of Technology Transfer, Faraday Institute
Steve Mayers, Head of Scale-Up Programme, SETsquared

Lucy Siegle is a writer, broadcaster and public speaker specialising in nature and climate, and the impact of environmental issues on global communities. She is an authority on the environmental and social footprint of the global fashion industry through her book To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing out the World and as producer of The True Cost, the Netflix feature documentary. She co-founded the Green Carpet Challenge with Livia Firth. As an Observer and Guardian columnist and feature and opinion writer for 14 years, she is well known for providing incisive yet accessible commentary on the biggest stories of our time. Lucy is also highly sought after presenter on TV (where she is synonymous with humanising climate and environmental stories for a mainstream audience on The One Show, BBC1).

Photo credit: @ZoeLaw

Roundtable debates attract the UK’s most influential businesses people and influencers.

Participants can benefit from:

• publicity in the post-event write-up of the debate
• connecting with potential customers and contacts within this sector
• additional knowledge and expertise about the global warming and climate change
• having your say on the issues that matter most to you.

The roundtable also provides an opportunity to hear from business who’ve seized the opportunities and overcome the challenges to growth in this exciting sector and understand more about how our Scale-Up Programme can support your business.

Applications to join this event are now closed.

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