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Expert Masterclass: How To Write a Powerful Grant Response

Expert Masterclass: How To Write a Powerful Grant Response

There are millions of pounds to be won in competitive R&D funding competitions.

Describing your project, team, potential market, etc, in the clearest, most concise and most powerful way is important to optimising your chances of winning this money. Knowing your funder and understanding more about the way assessors score you is also vital to your success. This class covers this, as well as general hints, tips, and hacks to improve the way you write your compelling and powerful funding application. This Masterclass draws on 30 years of experience of successful national and international bid writer Kevin Brooks.

The h
ow to write powerful grant response masterclass will be provided in the following format:

  • Short bursts of lecture content.
  • Q&A pitstops to consolidate learning.

It will cover the following content:

  • Milestone Zero: we will explore whether grant funding is the right avenue. If yes, then plan how to deliver the best possible result.
  • Know your funder – we will explore the background and motivations of Innovate UK, SBRI (Healthcare and DASA), and the NHS Innovation Accelerator. This includes who these funders are (what makes them tick), exploring their grant offers and what they are looking for in a fundable project (true innovation, a great team to deliver it, a complete understanding of the market/competitors, understanding of the project delivery risks and mitigations, a clear demonstration of potential impact and value for money, etc).
  • NIHR as part of a range of grant responses.
  • Know your assessor – explore the profile of an assessor taking into consideration key factors impacting their decision-making/scoring.
  • Hints tips and hacks for writing a bid including identifying key requirements, drafting a framework, and readability test via a second pair of eyes review.

Who should attend:

Organisations from health and social care SME start-ups and scale-ups / Directors, Founders, and company grant writers/anyone wanting to explore the R&D grant landscape and wanting to develop their grant writing skills.

The benefits of attending include clarity around the subject / an understanding of some key R&D funding opportunities/ individual exploration of the pathway forward.

Takeaways from the session will include:

  • Understanding key parts of the funding landscape
  • Understanding whether to go for grant funding or not
  • Getting started
  • Understanding the landscape
  • Exploration of next steps

To join this free-to-attend session simply click the button below and scroll down to the online registration form.  Please note you will be asked to join 2 additional sessions, these choices can be changed if you are unsure which other sessions might be right for you.


Register for Sustainable Business Support


The masterclasses are offered as part of the Sustainable Business Support programme which provides 12 hours of expertise to support the growth of SMEs and startups focusing on sustainability. Fully funded by the ERDF, the full programme of support is free for businesses to access.

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