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Sherif Abdou
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NG Diagnostics

Nanoparticles transforming Hepatitis C diagnosis

“I now better understand the Intellectual Property landscape and how to build relationships with customers and investors and partners, thanks to the LIF+ programme.”


NG Diagnostics develops affordable, reliable, accurate, and rapid nanoparticles-based assays for infectious disease diagnosis and screening. The first prototype is a point-of-care kit for the Hepatitis C virus, which uses nanoparticle properties for sensitive and cost-effective diagnosis. Egypt has the highest prevalence of Hepatitis C infection worldwide and costs the Egyptian health care system about 3.8 billion dollars a year. The current diagnosis system is expensive, slow, and labour intensive, and the rapid tests are not always accurate. NG Diagnostics’ technology is quicker and more reliable and does not require highly-trained technicians. It can be used with any normal spectrophotometer in any lab.

Country of origin: Egypt

People in the team: 3

The most valuable parts of the LIF+ programme

  • Help identifying gaps in the market
  • Support to develop pitch and business plan
  • Accessing a wide network of peers, mentors, and alumni
  • Help with intellectual property
  • Improving understanding of target market

“I joined the programme to learn how to transfer my idea into a prototype and then a product to launch into market. The most important thing for any academic is to do research that can serve the community and the missing link can be how to turn this idea into a product – that is a very good thing to see.”

“I have learned how to build my research idea based on market needs or customer needs by observing gaps in the market, which is one of the things that I have learned from the LIF+ Programme. I have also learned how to pitch in three minutes (elevator pitch) and how to recognise my audience to ensure I deliver the best presentation of my innovation. My business model has been improved a lot, from understanding the market and the customers better, to fitting the product for the most appropriate market while taking into consideration the customer needs. I now better understand the intellectual property landscape and how to build relationships with customers, investors and partners, thanks to the LIF+ programme.”

“Now we have finished the prototype, the next step is to produce this on a larger scale, so we are looking for investors. We hope to get the product into the market, followed by collecting customer feedback for product enhancement.”

“My dream is to get into European and UK markets, so I’m improving the products to fit and be on the same page with the regulations of the European/UK markets.”

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