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NEW expert masterclass: Selling Sustainability and Communicating for Sustainability

NEW expert masterclass: Selling Sustainability and Communicating for Sustainability

Session One: Selling Sustainability (2 hours)

Session Two: Communicating for Sustainability (2 hours)

This online masterclass session will provide tips and insights on how sustainability can positively impact your sales pipelines and your wider business communications.

With so many businesses beginning to focus their attention on the path to Net Zero and their impact on the environment, it is very timely to have this opportunity to review your wider communications.

With increased pressure and competition, this session has been designed to provide you with the opportunity to develop useful collateral which will set you apart from your competition, and support you on your journey to achieving coherence across all your communications.

As a result of this workshop participants will be able to understand how to best communicate their sustainability ambitions to clients. As well as communicating selling techniques and negotiating with sustainability front of mind.

In order to benefit from this masterclass the two sessions need to be attended.

The session will be provided in the following format:

  • Peer Learning
  • Short bursts of lecture content
  • Exercises and examples to build up learning
  • Break out sessions
  • Acquiring knowledge through experimental learning

It will cover the following content:

Session one: Selling Sustainability

  • The Sales process – adding value and reviewing where sustainability fits with your sales pipeline.
  • Developing new collateral.
  • An introduction to negotiation skills.

Session two: Communicating for Sustainability:

  • The Art and Science of Communications.
  • How sustainability fits into your existing communications.
  • Templates/frameworks to work with.

Who should attend:

  • Any organisation wanting to expand its sustainability through its whole sales process.
  • Organisations wanting to take action on their communications to share with their clients about their sustainability status and ambition.
  • Organisations wanting to practice a variety of communications including sales approaches to best display their sustainability credentials.

Takeaways from the session will include:

  • How to best communicate your sustainability ambitions to clients
  • Selling techniques
  • Negotiating with sustainability front of mind

The masterclass sessions will ensure you leave with practical steps to take back into your day-to-day and with new sales and communication material to work with.

To join this free-to-attend online sustainability masterclass simply click the button below and scroll down to the online registration form.

Register now


The masterclasses are offered as part of the Sustainable Business Support programme which provides 12 hours of expertise to support the growth of SMEs and startups focusing on sustainability. Fully funded by the ERDF, the full programme of support is free for businesses to access.

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