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Multiple funding & business support opportunities for SMEs
& academics in the healthcare sector


The UK’s world-class research and innovation is the foundation of the nation’s health and wellbeing, economic prosperity, and global influence. There is a long and proud tradition of excellence in UK research and innovation. The government wants to capture the power of this extraordinary talent and creativity to secure the UK’s status as a science superpower and innovation nation. As the world emerges from the Covid pandemic, the UK has a once in a lifetime opportunity to capture the full benefits of its research and innovation prowess.

The SETsquared Scale-Up Programme partner universities (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Southampton, and Surrey) possess a wealth of research excellence in healthcare innovation. This research capability is matched by an extensive health-related industrial expertise contained within the Scale Up-Programme membership. To capitalise on these programme assets, the Scale Up-Programme is launching a Health Innovation Campaign to target new Innovate UK, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), and Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) funding calls.

We are looking to support the most compelling bids with the best chances of success. We can:

  • help businesses to identify missing research and clinical expertise from our partner universities ecosystems to form a collaboration on the bid
  • offer a wealth of expertise and experience to craft strong bids for major funding calls – we can review your bid, identify gaps and make suggestions for improvements, essentially acting as a ‘critical friend’
  • fund a professional bid consultant’s time to further improve the bid.

If you are considering a bid to any of the upcoming funding calls (listed below) now is the time to apply for this support to boost your chances of success.

Supported funding calls

UK – Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will work with The Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), (The Federal Ministry For Economic Affairs And Climate Action), to invest up to £4 million in innovation projects.

The aim of this competition is to support UK and German business-led collaboration in innovation with grant funding. Innovate UK will support UK businesses to collaborate successfully with German counterparts and build your global growth prospects.

Projects must have a maximum grant funding request of £400,000 for all UK partners, start by 1 December 2023, end by 30 November 2026, and last between 12 months and 36 months.

Applications for funding close on 7 June 2023 11:00 am, so please submit your application for support below.

Apply Now

Application Form

If you wish to apply for funding and support for the R&D opportunities shown above complete the form below to join the Scale Up Programme as an associate – which is free and without commitment. Read a guide on how to make a good application

Alternatively, if you are unsure which opportunity is for you still complete the form below and we will get in touch to discuss your proposal and check it’s in scope for the support programme.

Membership of the Scale Up programme is open to any company pending internal review of the expression of interest raised by the company and incurs a one off charge of £150 inc. VAT. Full Membership will be offered to companies who are already part of our network and wish to access the CR&D proposal development support or investment raising support services. Full membership is subject to payment by the member company of a one-off fee and Membership is valid for one year. For the year 2020/21 the Membership Fee is £1,600 inc. VAT or for any eligible company, it can be waived under the Article 3.2(4) exemption of the Subsidy Control chapter of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement ("TCA"), and which requires eligible companies to complete a Statement of Previous Aid declaration.

The Scale-Up Programme is a partnership between:

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