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News | SETsquared | Mon, 06/06/2016 | 00:00
Southampton SETsquared member, Cascoda, has collaborated with Imagination Technologies to bring innovative low-power wireless connectivity to their Creator Ci40 IoT development board. Imagination Technologies Ci40 Creator board, under test in the Cascoda RF LabImagination Technologies’ Creator Ci40 product is an ‘IoT in a box’ development kit designed for small to...
News | SETsquared | Thu, 26/05/2016 | 00:00
Research suggest that 50% of UK startups are likely to fail within the first three years, often because the vision and passion of the entrepreneur is not matched by sound business knowledge and practices. To address this, SETsquared Surrey is inviting entrepreneurs from tech start-ups in the south east to...
Blog | Mike Austin | Mon, 23/05/2016 | 09:03
A high level view Day 10 of the “Market Exploration Program” in Boston, where we are getting ready for our USA launch later this year. Final day in Boston, and time to reflect on what I’ve learnt. I came to the USA to understand the market, and to refine our...
Blog | Mike Austin | Fri, 20/05/2016 | 10:06
Venture Cafe at the Cambridge Innovation Centre in Kendall Square Day 9 of the 'Market Exploration Program' in Boston, where we are getting ready for our USA launch later this year. I’ve heard 'Serendipity' mentioned a lot here in Boston. There’s lots of stories about chance meetings, overheard conversations which changed the...
Blog | Mike Austin | Thu, 19/05/2016 | 01:14
Professor Charles Kooney Day 8 of the “Market Exploration Program” in Boston, where we are getting ready for our USA launch later this year. A Journey Into Uncertainty was the title of the excellent seminar by Charles Cooney, Professor at MIT and director / founder or key advisor at numerous biotech...
Blog | Mike Austin | Wed, 18/05/2016 | 11:31
Great audience of investors and entrepreneurs for the "European Pitches" reception at the Cambridge Innovation Centre The weekend was scorching here in Boston. The locals tell me it isn’t always like this, but I find that hard to believe. Anyway, back to work today for day 6 of the “Market...