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New study shows outstanding economic impact as SETsquared start-ups grow into successful businesses

News | SETsquared | Thu, 04/12/2014 | 00:00

Click here to see economic impact infographics High-tech start-ups incubated by SETsquared will have contributed an estimated over £11 billion in GVA (Gross Value Added) to the UK economy by 2025. New research indicates that companies that have benefited from incubation by SETsquared, the enterprise partnership of the universities of...

Growth and innovation: Brunel’s Engine Shed – a year of success

News | SETsquared | Tue, 02/12/2014 | 00:00

In its first year Engine Shed has already contributed to significant economic growth.A unique collaboration between the University of Bristol, Bristol City Council and the  West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to stimulate economic growth in the region.In just one year, Engine Shed has driven significant growth from Brunel’s...

University “ice pigging” spin-out acquired by Aqualogy Environment Limited

News | SETsquared | Mon, 01/12/2014 | 00:00

A Bristol-based company that uses innovative technology for cleaning the inside of pipes has today been acquired by water management specialists, Aqualogy Environment Limited for an undisclosed sum. Ice Pigging, developed and patented by the University of Bristol spin-out company, PCIP Ltd, is an innovative process for cleaning pipes that...

The Shard played host to 21 of the UK’s most promising tech start-ups in real life ‘Dragon’s Den’

News | SETsquared | Thu, 27/11/2014 | 00:00

More than 20 of the UK’s most promising technology start-ups bid for a collective £30m of investment in front of a live audience of investors at The Shard last night. The 22nd floor of the iconic London landmark was turned into a real life Dragon’s Den as SETsquared, a business incubation...

Multi-million pound fund to boost UK university spin-outs and research

News | SETsquared | Tue, 25/11/2014 | 00:00

Research from universities across the South of England could be commercialised and turned into successful businesses faster than ever before, thanks to a multi-million pound project announced today (November 26) by Minister for Universities and Science, Greg Clark MP. Funded by HEFCE and Innovate UK, the £3.2 million ‘iCURe’ project...

Four southern AHSNs launch new programme to accelerate health innovation in partnership with SETsquared

News | SETsquared | Tue, 25/11/2014 | 00:00

Four Academic Health Science Networks in the south of England have joined forces with the leading university business incubator, SETsquared, to set up a revolutionary new programme that could see more effective and better value healthcare technologies benefitting patients quicker than ever.An extensive programme is being launched to help accelerate...

SETsquared is a partnership between

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