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SETsquared at the British Business Embassy and US-UK Financing Innovation Conference

News | SETsquared | Mon, 30/07/2012 | 00:00

Speaking at education summit and exhibiting at innovation conferenceSETsquared will be participating in two high profile government-organised events during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, helping to showcase the innovation and entrepreneurship of its five partner universities.At the Global Business Summit on Education organised by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI),...

Exeter physicist bends light waves on surfboards

News | SETsquared | Mon, 30/07/2012 | 00:00

A University of Exeter scientist is bringing together his passions for Physics and surfing with research that could inspire a host of new technologies. Dr Matt Lockyear is using foam from inside surfboards to make materials that can manipulate light.Scientists across the globe are trying to develop materials that can...

One touch towards the future

News | SETsquared | Fri, 27/07/2012 | 00:00

A group of designers and developers are investigating, through a hands-on workshop, how the emerging field of UltraHaptics might be used in a creative context in the future.The aim of the workshop, run by the University of Bristol and Pervasive Media Studio, is to better understand how creative practitioners and...

Italy’s talented entrepreneurs selected for business incubation in the UK

News | SETsquared | Wed, 25/07/2012 | 00:00

What’s the Italian word for entrepreneur?SETsquared has selected some of Italy’s brightest students for an intensive one-week entrepreneurship programme in the UK. Fifteen Italian students will learn from experienced UK entrepreneurs and innovators in an intensive week-long Programme provided by the SETsquared partnership of the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter,...

Snacking and BMI linked to double effect of brain activity and self-control

News | SETsquared | Tue, 24/07/2012 | 00:00

Snack consumption and BMI are linked to both brain activity and self-control, new research has found. The research, carried out by academics from the Universities of Exeter, Cardiff, Bristol, and Bangor, discovered that an individual’s brain ‘reward centre’ response to pictures of food predicted how much they subsequently ate. This...

SETsquared supports Discovering Start-Ups Competition

News | SETsquared | Wed, 18/07/2012 | 00:00

Five winners to get free SETsquared membershipSETsquared will be supporting the Discovering Start-Ups 2012 Competition, and will be providing free SETsquared membership, worth £1000, to each of the five winners.Organised by Silicon South West and Cambridge Wireless, the competition will take place in London on 21st November when entrants will...

SETsquared is a partnership between

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