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Day 3: Take out the tech and focus on value

Blog | Mike Austin | Thu, 12/05/2016 | 00:46

  More work on positioning today, focusing positioning further for the USA and for the selected audience. The focus remains simplifying and concentrating on the bare essentials. Extensive work on the slide deck resulted in many changes, completed only whilst the previous person was pitching to the invited audience. In...

Day 2: How to win VCs and influence them

Blog | Mike Austin | Wed, 11/05/2016 | 08:42

  Day 2 started at around 04:00am for me with Jetlag still working through my system.  After a few hours working with the team in England, I set off for the Cambridge Innovation Centre for the second day of kTeams. A full program of meetings today was concluded with a...

Day 1: Get to the point and do it fast

Blog | Mike Austin | Tue, 10/05/2016 | 02:12

Mike Austin, CEO of Fresh Relevance a Southampton SETsquared member company, reflects on the whirlwind that has been his first day on the kTeams accelerator programme in Boston. kTeams participants: Christa, Jos, Abi, Andrew, Myself, Shakar, taken on the 14th floor of the CIC BA brought me to Boston late last night,...

South’s healthcare innovators take business ideas to the next level

News | SETsquared | Tue, 19/04/2016 | 00:00

Image: Participants of the Healthcare Innovation Programme in Southampton with Caroline Nokes MP (front row, left of centre) Healthcare innovators from the South of England discovered how to take their cutting edge technology and business ideas to the next level when they met in Southampton. The three day Healthcare Innovation...

SETsquared’s ICURe project shortlisted for national higher education awards

News | SETsquared | Wed, 13/04/2016 | 00:00

SETsquared has been shortlisted for a national award that celebrates the most innovative and original initiatives and teams from higher education institutions in the UK. The Times Higher Education Leadership & Management Awards (THELMAs) shines a spotlight on teams whose awareness, application and vision create an environment in which staff...

SETsquared run Innovation Training Course with AstraZeneca

News | SETsquared | Wed, 13/04/2016 | 00:00

SETsquared has delivered a unique, new innovation development course in partnership with AstraZeneca, which brought together academic staff and industry research scientists. The three-day programme provided training on how to better communicate their research ideas in the form of business or investment plans to leverage funding or investment. 16 participants,...

SETsquared is a partnership between

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