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Exeter Teams Come Out Top At Microsoft App Competition

News | SETsquared | Thu, 21/02/2013 | 00:00

The University of Exeter Students’ Guild successfully hosted the southern heat of the Microsoft Imagine Cup Appathon this weekend, with Exeter students scooping the top three places. Putting their innovative and entrepreneurial skills to the test, the teams were given 48 hours to create an app for the future from...

Bath Pro-Vice-Chancellor renews call for internationalisation in higher education sector

News | SETsquared | Thu, 14/02/2013 | 00:00

The University of Bath's Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation will call for higher education institutions to make global partnerships a priority when he launches a new paper in London on Tuesday.Professor Colin Grant will launch his research paper, Losing our Chains? Contexts and Ethics of University Internationalisation, as part of the Stimulus Paper Series...

UK’s next generation of app developers need business acumen as well as technical knowledge

News | SETsquared | Mon, 11/02/2013 | 00:00

App downloads and app advertising set to generate £449m in 2013.*Next generation of developers “must be nurtured”.SETsquared is hosting the South of England heat of the Microsoft Imagine Cup on February 15, bringing together young developers from across the South of England.The Microsoft Imagine Cup is a global student technology competition...

Implants make light work of fixing broken bones

News | SETsquared | Mon, 11/02/2013 | 00:00

Artificial bone, created using stem cells and a new lightweight plastic, could soon be used to heal shattered limbs.The use of bone stem cells combined with a degradable rigid material that inserts into broken bones and encourages real bone to re-grow has been developed at the Universities of Edinburgh and...

SETsquared puts Enterprising students ahead of the game

News | SETsquared | Thu, 07/02/2013 | 00:00

On Tuesday (February 5) the SETsquared Partnership brought together some of the brightest sparks from universities across the South in a bid to arm them with the skills they need to set up their own business or climb the corporate ladder.The SETsquared Student Enterprise Xing Workshop at the University of...

Using fibre lasers for ground-breaking particle acceleration technologies

News | SETsquared | Thu, 07/02/2013 | 00:00

Scientists from the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton are part of an international project that is investigating the use of fibre lasers in ground-breaking particle accelerator technologies, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Laser particle acceleration is a new and potentially revolutionary technology, but is affected by two main issues:...

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