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SETsquared company, Bamboo Innovations short-listed for the Real Business Red Bull Future 50

News | SETsquared | Fri, 30/09/2011 | 00:00

Bamboo Innovations have been named in the top 50 future companies by Real Business. There will be a public vote from the 3rd October 2011 where individuals can vote for their favorite company.The Future 50 is a list of the most exciting, ground-breaking firms – under four years old and...

Companies move to Innovation Centre

News | SETsquared | Tue, 27/09/2011 | 00:00

After opening at the Surrey Research Park at the begining of May, The International Space Innovation Centre - Surrey (ISIC-S) has already secured new members.They are Ikinema, SolarMetrics, TISICS and My Drive Solutions. The companies have all been awarded with space engineering innovation vouchers from ISIC-Surrey in partnership with SEEDA,...

Smart Grid Mission to Berlin

News | SETsquared | Wed, 21/09/2011 | 00:00

The Bath Ventures Innovation Centre seeks commercial R&D partners UKTI & the Innovation Centre has organised a mission to Germany next week for UK companies to explore the opportunities for SmartGrid technology there, including wireless monitoring, metering and control software. Participants include Prof Joe McGeehan of Toshiba Communications Research , MicroWatt, EnModus, Hostmann Controls andGoodridge. SmartGrid is a...

Innovative University of Surrey graduate start-up company wins Technology Strategy Board grant to drive NHS cost savings

News | SETsquared | Mon, 19/09/2011 | 00:00

Thoughtified Limited, a SETsquared start-up company created by graduates of the Department of Computing, University of Surrey has won a major grant from the Technology Strategy Board. The grant will enable the Surrey Research Park-based company to work in the development of a participatory sensing system that will improve the...

SETsquared company shortlisted for British Engineering Excellence Awards

News | SETsquared | Mon, 05/09/2011 | 00:00

TBS Cubed, a SETsquared Surrey member, has been shortlisted for 'Start-up of the year' 2011 at the British Engineering Excellence Awards (BEEA).The Awards aim to demonstrate and promote the quality of engineering design within the UK; to emphasise innovation and effectiveness in order to allow smaller companies to compete on...

Leading Business Support Guru from SETsquared Bristol Boards the StartUp Britain Bus

News | SETsquared | Wed, 10/08/2011 | 00:00

Expert advice offered to budding Bristol entrepreneurs and small business ownersSETsquared Business Acceleration has been asked to provide expert business mentoring support for the Bristol-leg of StartUp Britain’s summer bus tour of 14 UK’s entrepreneurial hot spots in a bid to celebrate, inspire and accelerate Britain’s start-up talent.StartUp Britain is the major...

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