Knowledge Mentoring (Global) Limited
Phillip Marsh Pr.Eng; C.Eng
“AI alone will not fix our learning issues – we need to reconnect people to people, even at vast distances, and who may never meet each other and create an experiential social learning environment where they want to share their Pavarotti songs and not their bathroom songs with each other”
Phillip Marsh Pr.Eng; C.Eng
B2B and B2B2C mobile technology suite with a structured social learning App and a personalised career acceleration App

Top 3 achievements:
- KMG launches a global “Women in the Built Environment” (WITBE) social learning initiative with 350 members in 5 countries.
- AECOM (SA) wins prestigious mentoring company of the year 2021 using both KMG technologies
- ABB (SA) signs 2-year contract for graduate engineer mentoring program