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SETsquared CONFERENCE 2021

25 – 29 January 2021





Chris Hill, SETsquared Central

Chris joined SETsquared in autumn 2019 and is the programme coordinator for the Investment Programme. From the start he embraced the role with enthusiasm and professionalism. Some elements of the role were new to Chris and I don’t underestimate the learning curve that he has been on in terms of navigating and networking the intricacies and complexities of the Investment landscape – especially in the last year. His pro-active approach means that he is ably owning the day to day smooth running and logistics for many aspects of the Investment programme including RAIA, the SETsquared Investment Platform, RAISE toolkit, INVEST showcases and Global Corporate Venturing events.

Faye Tromans, University of Bristol

Faye joined the Basecamp Enterprise team in January last year just before lockdown one. Faye’s energy, enthusiasm, and effectiveness in supporting entrepreneurial students helped us thrive in these difficult times. For example, Faye helped change the finale of our competition from an in person event, to a digital marketing campaign, attracting nearly 2500 votes for our people’s choice award.

Faye has been instrumental in helping us move our services online, ensuring we were able to continue our support, programmes and activities. Faye led a revaluation of our customer journey which helped our planning and ensured students were getting the support they need when they need it. This has strengthened our overall offer, making it as clear as possible for our customers. Faye’s a rising star in student enterprise and a great addition to the SETsquared ecosystem.

iCOMAT, Dr Evangelos Zympeloudis, CEO,  Scale-Up company

SETsquared Scale-Up Member iCOMAT (Dr Evangelos Zympeloudis, CEO), a spin-out company from the University of Bristol, that has developed a patented manufacturing process for advanced carbon fibre composites which are lighter, stronger and more cost-effective than the state-of-the-art processes for the aerospace, automotive and marine sectors. They were recently awarded Start-Up Business of the Year at the Composites UK 2020 Industry Awards. The Scale-Up Programme supported their successful funding application to the Catalysing Green Innovation: strand 2: Securing the future of ZEV competition in 2020.


Kat Mack, University of Surrey

Kat Mack joined the University to manage our Student Enterprise programme towards the end of 2019 and has made an enormous impact during 2020. She has an inspiring can do attitude with students and colleagues alike and impressed our funders so much that she was able to award enterprising students with double the amount in prize funding than in previous years. She also developed innovative new ways to help graduate entrepreneurs during the lockdown as well as bringing local charities into the ecosystem so they could benefit from the entrepreneurial skills of the students.

And she did it all whilst home schooling her son, house training a new puppy, lecturing to Event students and continuing her personal charity and community work.

She has already found a few new initiatives for 2021 including running entrepreneur PTY years, managing a Kickstarter gateway for local businesses and setting up an app store for our student businesses!


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