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SETsquared’s response to launching HE Global Portal

SETsquared’s response to launching HE Global  Portal

Today the HE Global Portala new gateway for UK higher education institutions to build on their international success, has been launched by Foreign Secretary William Hague and Universities and Science Minister David Willetts. 

Graham Harrison, Partnership Director, said ‘SETsquared welcomes the creation of HE Global. By bringing together practical information about global opportunities from across government and the sector it will allow universities to succeed in an increasingly competitive environment.

British universities are amongst the best in the world and one of the UK’s greatest success stories contributing £59 billion to the economy. As a partnership of some of the UK’s leading research institutions, SETsquared commends the government for this initiative.

SETsquared knows from experience through working with overseas partners the challenges and opportunities facing UK universities. Any initiative that helps the UK economy grow with extra income from overseas is welcomed’. 

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