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UKOLN organised IDCC13 conference to feature strong Research360 presence

UKOLN organised IDCC13 conference to feature strong Research360 presence

The JISC-funded Research360 project, which is developing human and technical infrastructure for research data management at the University of Bath, will have a strong presence at the 8th International Digital Curation Conference to be held in Amsterdam on 14-16 January 2013.

Registration is still open for the conference [], which this year recognises the recent explosion in the amount of research data available, including those from social media and citizen science, and how these new types of data add further challenges to curation and management.

The Research360 project will present a paper exploring the challenges associated with developing the infrastructure required to enable a research-intensive institution achieve full compliance with a particular funder’s policy. They will also present a poster documenting the process they have undertaken to develop an online training module in general research data management.

Members of the Research360 project are teaming up with the ‘Open Exeter’ project to run a joint workshop on how to run training courses in data management. Both JISC-funded projects have delivered training workshops aimed at enabling researchers to understand relevant challenges, risks and requirements in research data management and will share their experiences with the wider community.

Speaking on behalf of UKOLN at Bath, Director Dr Liz Lyon said: “Digital curation is becoming an increasingly important issue for universities and for industrial collaborators. UKOLN’s continued contribution to the Digital Curation Centre, and to the future of data management, is central to the Higher Education sector developing the infrastructure required to fulfil data stewardship obligations.”

Professor Jane Millar, Pro-Vice Chancellor Research said: “Making research data widely available is an important challenge. The University of Bath has gained significantly from the Research360 Project.”

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