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University of Exeter invites artists to work in 3D

University of Exeter invites artists to work in 3D

The University of Exeter’s Centre for Additive Layer Manufacturing (CALM) has teamed up with the Exeter Phoenix to offer 30 artists from across the South West the opportunity to explore the possibilities of making work in the emerging technology of 3D printing. This is part of the Exeter Phoenix digital art commission 2012.

The collaboration is offering day long workshops for artists who are interested in investigating ways that this technology could be used to develop or bring new possibilities into their practice. These will be at the University in the first instance, followed by ‘refreshers’ hosted at the Exeter Phoenix, after the artists have had a chance to decide on the theme of their piece.

CALM’s vision is to generate greater value to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the South West through sharing their expertise in additive manufacturing technologies. CALM is promoting this innovative and versatile new method of manufacturing parts and components across numerous sectors. The project with Exeter Phoenix is just one example of the exciting work currently taking place in collaboration with businesses across the region.

Read the full story on the University of Exeter website

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